The purpose of Heritage Commitment is to develop a strategy to pay off the Worship Center in 4 years, which is 7 years earlier than the current 15-year mortgage. Heritage Commitment has the potential to save the church over $500,000, which will give us the opportunity to provide more services for our membership and community to continue to bring our Mission Statement to life as the Church With Helping Hands.
Grove Heritage Commitment
What Part Do I Play?
Heritage Commitment is a church-wide effort where the entire membership is asked to commit to a sacrificial covenant offering above their current tithes and offering to pay off the Worship Center. We are asking each member to make a sacrificial commitment over a 4-year period using one of the options.
- $2400 one time payment
- $600 annually
- 5%$50 monthly
- $12.50 weekly
How Do I Sign Up?
- Complete a Heritage Commitment Card
- By paper – Pick up a card in the Narthex
- Via web – Online Link
- Give EACH MONTH via the Heritage Commitment envelope or the existing giving platforms (e.g. ACS, Givelify, Text 2 Give, etc.)
- Receive a Heritage Commitment t-shirt after 3-month payment towards your commitment
- Receive a brick paver after a commitment of $2400 is completed
A Message from our Senior Pastor
Starting in 2019 through 2023, it is our desire to develop a culture where we are equipping disciples through the preached word, worship and praise, teaching, fellowship and most importantly through our stewardship. Part of being a developed and equipped disciple is also being a good steward—the Lord loves a cheerful giver.
Starting in March 2019 and for the next four years through 2023, our church’s primary focus is to pay off our new Worship Center in less than ten years of its existence. We have established the Heritage Commitment for this intention and purpose, which is a part of our Stewardship pillar.
As we focus on our Heritage Commitment we are asking for a commitment and sacrifice. Your devoted faith-giving will assist us in paying off our new Worship Center by 2024. This will require each member to sacrifice together and contribute faithfully more than just your regular tithes and offerings. With your prayers and covenant commitment, I know we will achieve this vision as a church family. It is not equal in giving, but equal in sacrificeas we honor our commitment to build a legacy. Every gift of stewardship is important and necessary to continue God’s mission for our Church. Our congregation has a great future!
As we step out on faith, trust God and sacrifice in our giving, I am trusting and believing God the more in our commitment and giving to EXTEND our FAITH, EXPAND our THOUGHTS, and EXPECT GREATER in the future!
Thank you for your prayers, your sincere consideration in the Heritage Commitment and we hope you and your family will consider being a part of it. As I continue to,
Expect Greater,
Pastor William E. Flippin, Sr.